How to Hire a DEI Pro: Writing the Job Spec, and Interviewing Tips

Whether you are hiring an internal DEI manager, or an external speaker for a Diversity, Equity and Inclusion event series, you want to find someone great.

First thing’s first, you’ll need to create a detailed job posting to attract the best DEI provider for the job. This blog will cover the main considerations for creating a DEI job posting or external brief.

1) Understand the Competency Needed for the Role

The first step is to be very clear about your DEI role, project, or initiative and what level of competency is needed for success.

The DEI industry has been inundated with providers that may use their identity or lived experiences as a front for actual workplace DEI competency. Just because you identify as a part of a certain minority group, does not mean you have expertise in facilitating or implementing a successful DEI initiative.

Useful Interview Question:

“How can a company ensure that their policies are equitable for employees of all backgrounds? What common pitfalls have you seen companies fall into?”

2) Create a clear connection between your DEI strategy and your organiSation’s goals

You should be able to articulate how DEI relates to your company strategy and team structure. This will be important for candidates to understand how the DEI work will contribute to the organisation’s success. It also shows you are thinking about DEI in the right way as a business: as a core organisational driver, not a standalone or silo’d department.

Useful Interview Question:

“How would you approach DEI with an org-wide, intersectional strategy?”

3) Outline the DEI Expectations of the Role

List company expectations for this role as they relate to the Workplace Equity Competency Framework.

This can include, but is not limited to, experience with DEI, breadth of experience championing DEI initiatives, and overall knowledge of the importance and implementation of DEI efforts in the workplace. 

Useful Interview Question:

“How do you ensure that the content you create or the projects you lead are the “right” projects for the organisation? Can you provide an example of a time where you took other team or company members’ perspectives into account when planning for implementation of an initiative?”

4) Plan for Retention

You should think about this during the interview process as retention is especially critical for DEI roles as they directly impact your culture, engagement and innovation across the organisation.

When considering retention for a DEI role make sure you have the following covered:

  • Belonging: Where is their “home” team? Do they have the support of a team they need?

  • Recognition: How will their work be recognised?

  • Leadership Support: Who will be their leadership sponsor? Will it differ depending on the initiative?

  • Continuous Competency Investment: How will you support them gaining competency across the Competency Framework?

Crafting a compelling job posting for your DEI role, whether internal or external, involves clarity on competencies, a strategic connection to organisational goals, explicit expectations linked to the Competency Framework, and thoughtful retention planning.

This ensures attracting and retaining a DEI provider who aligns seamlessly with your organization's success and cultural values.

Looking for help finding the right D&I provider?

Contact us at today to explore how our tailored services and trainings can help you achieve your goals.


How a DEI Competency Framework ACTUALLY Works


Introducing CCWE: Why Competency is the only DEI Skill that Matters