Making workplace DEI professionals competent & DEI strategies future proof.

As the world’s first competency-based approach to workplace DEI, we help workplace DEI professionals competently and efficiently deliver business transformation and ROI on investment in DEI.

CCWE is trusted around the world by:

By 2030, the DEI industry is projected to be worth a staggering
$25 billion. Yet research shows HR and DEI are the least trusted functions within a business. High turnover in DEI roles leads to organisational fatigue and low ROI.

In a profession with a lack of standardisation and regulation, we help you benchmark your skills.

There are 13 core competencies every DEI professional needs for their role.

How high is your workplace DEI competency?

Our assessment gauges your competency in all 13 areas.

Take our assessment now to find out how you score. It’s free and confidential.

Corporate DEI strategies do not yield sustainable results. Why?

  • Lack of clarity

  • Lack of competency

  • Lack of compliance

The global DEI industry is will be worth 25 billion dollars by 2030. But the industry is unregulated. With a lack of standardisation, competency and regulation, a new way of training and developing DEI professionals is needed so that organisations get and ROI on investment.



Employees impacted

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Years of experience

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Hours coaching/training

CCWE: Shaping the Future of Workplace Equity

We are the Competence Centre for Workplace Equity, the world’s first competency-based, training and advisory service for organisations seeking to transform their approach to diversity, equity and inclusion.

Featured in

Our World-First Neutral Approach

As a team of DEI consultants and experts, we have dedicated years to groundbreaking research in collaboration with experts around the world to solve the issue all organisations are facing: a lack of tangible progress when it comes to DEI.


Providing individual stakeholders in HR, L&D, and DEI with essential knowledge about workplace DEI for their roles.


Elevating both individual stakeholders and the function as a whole with the skills and approach needed, fostering true workplace DEI excellence.


Operationalising the function, enabling organisational maturity, sustainability and setting the benchmark for excellence.

How is this 10x better than the current approach?

  • Practicality: Unlike existing training, CCWE turns theory into practice for professionals.

  • Neutrality: A politically and ideologically neutral approach, a departure from singular narratives which currently dominate workplace DEI.

  • Peer-Reviewed: All our work is peer-reviewed, providing a benchmark for competent DEI practitioners.

  • Technology Forward: Embracing technology to match the pace of progress in other industries.

DEI Solutions

Choose the right DEI solution for your business.

Competency Framework

A practical framework for business professionals to ensure DEI competency regardless of size.

Workplace DEI Lead Certification

The world's first competency-based certification for DEI practitioners and professionals to increase their competence and progress their careers.

Advisory Services

We provide advisory, consultancy and training services to corporate brands and organisations.