How a DEI Competency Framework ACTUALLY Works

As you may or may not know – we have developed the world’s first workplace DEI competency framework, which has recently launched and the response so far has been astounding. So I wanted to share a bit more information about how it works and maybe you can benefit from it too.

The framework can be used to assess an individual or team’s overall competency in workplace DEI.

There are 13 core competencies that the framework covers and these have been stress tested around the world and peer reviewed.

The framework can be used in a number of ways:

  • To hire DEI professionals

With how unregulated workplace DEI is, it can be difficult to objectively assess the skills and competency of DEI candidates. Particularly for SMEs with smaller teams and less resources. The framework can be used to create a job description, shortlist candidates, and improve the interview process.

  • Training and upskilling existing HR and DEI professionals

Level up your internal competency using the framework as a training tool. Existing staff responsible for DEI can benchmark their current competencies across the board, then work to improve. This can be used to form professional improvement plans, and tangible objectives for the team.

  • To support procurement

Embedding DEI principles into procurement policies requires a deep understanding of DEI and a commitment to revising and evolving existing practices. Given procurement teams aren’t guaranteed (or expected) to be competent in DEI, the framework can support their purchasing decisions.

Realistically, everyone is frustrated right now:

Organisations are frustrated with lack of progress in DEI. They need objective measures to help them navigate what works for their organisation.

DEI professionals are frustrated with unclear job roles, unrealistic expectations, and they are frequently burning out and quitting – creating high turnover in the profession.

Marginalised communities are frustrated with not enough being done to support them in the workplace.

Taking a clear, regulated and standardised approach to workplace DEI will ease these frustrations.

Download our booklet and preview of The Competency Framework to learn more.


How to Hire a DEI Pro: Writing the Job Spec, and Interviewing Tips