Integrating DEI with talent acquisition

Empower your Hiring Managers to become DEI champions with the ability to identify, evaluate, and integrate DEI competencies into the hiring process.

We Understand Your Challenges

Identifying DEI Expertise

Lack of standardised criteria makes it difficult to objectively assess a candidate's DEI proficiency and competency. CCWE provides a benchmark for DEI professionals.

Diverse Talent Pipelines

Ensuring a broad and diverse candidate pool requires deliberate strategies and tools, as well as integrating DEI goals seamlessly with other essential hiring qualifications.

Addressing Bias

Even the most well-intentioned processes can be undermined by inherent biases, impacting decision-making. Unconscious bias training alone is not enough.

Set a new standard for DEI excellence in hiring

Want to have a hiring process where DEI and traditional hiring criteria are not at odds but are interwoven? Enhance the quality and inclusivity of your talent acquisition strategy with CCWE.

  • Evidence-based approach grounded in the latest global DEI research

  • Take a diverse and inclusive approach to hiring throughout your organisation

  • Hire the most competent DEI talent

How we support Hiring Managers:

Competency-Based Frameworks

Utilise our C3 system to clearly define and identify workplace DEI competencies, ensuring every candidate is evaluated against a comprehensive industry standard.


Balanced Criteria Integration

With CCWE's guidance, integrate DEI considerations into your overall hiring strategy without compromising on the quality or fit of candidates. Helping you build and maintain a diverse talent pipeline.


Unconscious Bias Mitigation

Equip your hiring teams with the skills to recognise and counteract unconscious bias, ensuring a fairer, more equitable selection process for all candidates.


Standardised Evaluation Tools:

Our bespoke tools and methodologies offer a robust framework for assessing DEI expertise objectively, enabling fair and consistent candidate evaluation.


why ccwe?

The corporate DEI landscape is crowded. 
What makes CCWE different?

Practical Focus

We are practical, tactical and operationalised

Politically Neutral

We operate beyond ideologies with our neural approach


We are evidence-based and peer-reviewed

Scalable Solutions

Solutions that are both qualitative and adaptable

Ready to transform your inclusive hiring processes?

Book a call with our expert team today enhance your talent pipeline and hire the best DEI professionals.