Increasing DEI competency in management consulting

In the competitive world of leadership development and management consultancy, excelling in DEI is not just an added value—it’s a necessity. We equip your business with the skills necessary to meet client demands for unique and tailored DEI solutions.

We Understand Your Challenges

Lack of Internal DEI Expertise and Competency

Cultivating or acquiring the necessary DEI skills and competency within your team to offer informed, credible guidance.

Keeping DEI Training Content Relevant and Up-to-Date

Ensuring your DEI training materials are up-to-date with the latest research, trends, and best practices.

Measuring Impact and ROI from Tailored DEI Services

Demonstrating the tangible impact of DEI initiatives on client organisations, from culture change to business outcomes.

Generic DEI service offerings won’t cut it anymore

For many management consulting firms, internal deficiencies in DEI knowledge and outdated training content result in services that fail to resonate with or effectively serve clients.

A one-size-fits-all approach to DEI fails to address the unique challenges and opportunities within client organisations, leading to suboptimal outcomes.

Our ambition is to empower leadership development companies and management consultants with the tools, knowledge, and competencies needed to excel in workplace DEI.

How we support Management Consulting Firms:

Expertise & Competency Development

Enhancing your team’s DEI capabilities through evidence-based training and resources so they can achieve genuine results for your clients.


Content & Training Upgrades

Refreshing your DEI training materials to reflect the latest insights, ensuring they are both current and impactful. Our C3 System is evidence-based and peer-reviewed.


Tailored DEI Solutions

Offering guidance on tailoring DEI initiatives to align with the specific needs and goals of each client, ensuring relevance and effectiveness.


Building Your DEI Reputation

Working with CCWE assists in positioning your consultancy as a thought leader in DEI, enhancing your market credibility and appeal.


why ccwe?

The corporate DEI landscape is crowded. 
What makes CCWE different?

Practical Focus

We are practical, tactical and operationalised

Politically Neutral

We operate beyond ideologies with our neural approach


We are evidence-based and peer-reviewed

Scalable Solutions

Solutions that are both qualitative and adaptable

Ready to level up your DEI service offering?

Book a call with our expert team today to redefine your DEI solution offering and proposition.