Creating Inclusive Spaces: Unpacking the Importance of Neurodiversity in DEI Work

In today’s post, we will delve into the topic of neurodiversity and its significance in the field of diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI). Our guest, Sara Kedge, a neurodiversity specialist and consultant, shares her insights and experiences in supporting neurodivergent individuals in both entrepreneurship and corporate environments. We explore the challenges faced by neurodivergent individuals and how DEI practitioners can create inclusive spaces that cater to their needs.

Neurodiversity plays a vital role in the DEI space, as it highlights the value of embracing cognitive differences and creating inclusive environments for neurodivergent individuals. DEI practitioners must recognize the oversight in traditional training methods and adjust their formats and delivery to cater to the needs of diverse learners. Practical approaches, such as providing materials in advance and incorporating multimodal learning, can enhance engagement and understanding. Sara Kedge's personal journey as a neurodivergent professional emphasizes the importance of self-reflection, continuous learning, and connection with other practitioners. It is crucial for aspiring DEI professionals to give themselves permission to make mistakes, embrace curiosity, and build a supportive network.


1. Understanding Neurodiversity: Embracing Cognitive Differences

2. The Oversight of DEI Training for Neurodivergent Individuals

3. The Importance of Adapting Formats and Delivery Methods

4. Practical Approaches for Inclusive Training and Engagement

5. Sara's Journey: Transitioning into DEI Work as a Neurodivergent Professional

6. Developing Competencies: Balancing Lived Experience, Science, and Practicality

7. Surprising Insights and Disappointments in the DEI Field

8. Advice for Aspiring DEI Professionals: Give Yourself Permission to Learn and Connect



- Reflect on your own biases and areas of growth in understanding neurodiversity.

- Adapt your training formats to accommodate diverse learning styles and neurodivergent needs.

- Provide training materials in advance to allow for processing time and deeper engagement.

- Embrace curiosity and continuous learning to expand your knowledge in the DEI field.

- Build a supportive network of DEI practitioners to share insights and experiences.

- Give yourself permission to make mistakes and learn from them in your DEI journey.

Need support with neurodiversity within your organisation?

Book a capability briefing meeting with us today to discuss how we can support your organization in creating inclusive and diverse spaces.

Remember, creating an inclusive and neurodiverse workplace benefits everyone involved and leads to better business outcomes. Let's work together to make a positive impact.


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